
Hi πŸ™‚

I’m back for a quick update about my blog.

I’ve been gone for a while now but I’m still thinking about working on articles. I was really busy the past month.

First of all a nutritionist has put an end to my stomachaches. I’ve found out that I’m allergic or intolerant to cow’s milk protein. I can’t consume milk, cheese, cream, yoghurt or whatsoever anymore. I’ve been getting a lot better and I’m nearly not sick anymore, I’m also gaining weight again (I had lost 8 kg in one year). This also implies that I’m working on a second blog.

Secondly my parents have been gone for a while so I’ve been working around the house and stuff like that.

Next to that I’m also moving out of the house in two weeks or something like that, I still have a lot of work in my new house so that’s also why I’ve been absent.

I’m also busy with another DIY article which may be up soon πŸ™‚

My cat also got injured during a fight with another cat so it’s a lot of work with him as well.

But let’s see some pictures!



Trying out some new food since I can’t eat a lot of stuff anymore. I can’t describe how much I miss a good pizza or other italian food, but I’m working on discovering new things that I like.


Four years together with my boyfriend πŸ™‚


I’m still playing around with make-up and I’ve bought some new stuff from mac as well so I’ll write an article on that as well.


My first pancakes with soymilk!



Some random acts of kindness :p


My poor cat πŸ™‚


So I’m still here, and I’m not going anywhere I’ll be back soon with some articles πŸ™‚

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